Category Archives for Healthcare News

Stem cell therapy could be breakthrough against type 1 diabetes

An experimental stem cell therapy can essentially cure type 1 diabetes by restoring insulin production in some patients, early clinical trial results show. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

Honey added to yogurt supports probiotic cultures for digestive health

If you enjoy a bowl of plain yogurt in the morning, adding a spoonful of honey is a delicious way to sweeten your favorite breakfast food. It also supports the probiotic cultures in the popular fermented dairy product, according to two new studies from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

Got prunes? They may preserve bone density and strength in older women

Dairy isn’t the only food that’s good for bone health. Prunes may also protect bone structure and strength in postmenopausal women, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers. The findings, published in Osteoporosis International, suggest that daily prune consumption slows the progression of age-related bone loss and reduces the risk of fracture. […]

Regular poor sleep linked to wide range of chronic health problems

A team of medical researchers affiliated with a host of institutions across the U.S. has found via a study of Fitbit data that people who regularly sleep poorly are more susceptible to a wide range of chronic health problems than those who sleep normally. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

Stroke: What It Is, Types, Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Treatment & Prevention

Stroke is a medical emergency and the leading cause of disability in the United States. There are treatments to reduce the harm from stroke, but they can only be done if the stroke victim comes to the hospital right away. Unfortunately, more than half of Americans don’t know what a stroke is or what the […]

Boost your brain: The power of a healthy diet

Recent research has shown that our diet plays a crucial role in maintaining not just our physical well-being, but also our brain health. A diet high in sugars and processed foods can weaken brain function and negatively impact mental health. Your brain requires healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meat to […]

Uncontrolled hypertension: The old ‘silent killer’ is alive and well, warn experts

In the United States and worldwide, cardiovascular disease is the leading avoidable cause of premature death and disability. Primarily heart attacks and stroke, cardiovascular disease accounts for more than 900,000 annual deaths nationally and about 10 million deaths globally. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

Study finds omega-3 supplements reduce genetic risk of high total cholesterol, LDL and triglyceride levels

Intermittent fasting may be a more effective intervention than drugs for people with early diabetes and either obesity or overweight, according to a study published online June 21 in JAMA Network Open. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

2.6 million die annually due to alcohol: WHO

The United Nations health agency’s latest report on alcohol and health said alcohol causes nearly one in 20 deaths globally each year, through drink driving, alcohol-induced violence and abuse, and a multitude of diseases and disorders. Read more Source: Medical Xpress

Got prunes? They may preserve bone density and strength in older women

Dairy isn’t the only food that’s good for bone health. Prunes may also protect bone structure and strength in postmenopausal women, according to a new study led by Penn State researchers. Read more Source: Medical Xpress